Le prochain séminaire doctoral sera présenté par Antoine EBELING (BETA) et aura lieu le mercredi 2 mars 2022 à 16h en salle Ehud au PEGE.
Titre : ” European investments Bank loan appraisal, the EU climate bank ?”
Discutant senior: Thierry BETTI
Discutant junior: Jérôme HAMBYE
What are the determining factors in the allocation of European Investment Bank (EIB) green investments?
Using data describing more than 17,000 EIB loans to European Union (EU) member states from 1960 to
2020, we first break down EIB loans into green, neutral and brown loans. We then provide evidence that EIB
green investments tend to be allocated to the most advanced economies, specifically, that green investment
is positively correlated with high GDP per capita and increases with national environmental expenditure.
Our findings illustrate the dichotomy between economic development and environmental objectives faced by
the EIB.
Keywords: European investments Bank ; Green investment ; Climate policy
JEL Classification : E22, G24, Q56