Séminaire doctoral – 10 mars 2021 – Kristin LIMBACH

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Séminaire doctoral du 10 mars à 10h, présenté par Kristin Limbach

Title: Coordination in Collective Agri-Environmental Schemes: the Case of Collective Conditionality in Subsidy Payments

Abstract: This paper presents novel collective agri-environmental scheme (cAES) data from a biodiversity protection measure that have been put in place in Alsace, France to preserve the local European hamster population. A collectively conditional subsidy mechanism incentivizes the coordination of contribution efforts within groups of farmers. We analyze how communities of farmers organize and coordinate across years as to collectively provide an interconnected territory of favorable surface for the survival of the species. Both territorial shares and group size seem to positively influence participation under the cAES, with larger groups producing slightly more contractors. However, group size shows to negatively influence farms’ surface contributions (in ha) for the collective scheme. Based on individual contribution patterns within collective zones, types of contributors for collective conditionality are developed.

Discutant senior: Bertrand Koebel

Discutant junior: Emilien Veron